What do you eat in Florence? But above all: how do you cook it?
Everything you need to know from entrance to dessert:
ribollita, lampredotto, steak, ramerino bread and zuccotto.

IED Firenze — Francesca Aldi e Tiziano Bonsignore

Pan di Ramerino
Pan di Ramerino

A calendar of traditions and rituals ... The "red days" in flip–book format.
From the game of historical football to the lanterns of the Rificolona, from the outbreak of the Easter cart in the Cathedral, to the fires of San Giovanni, without forgetting the Florentine New Year Eve on March 25th.

IED Firenze — Irene Anedda e Martina Liberati

Scoppio del Carro
Scoppio del Carro
Calcio Storico
Calcio Storico
Capodanno Fiorentino
Capodanno Fiorentino
San Giovanni
San Giovanni

A stop–motion walk from sunrise to sunset: starting from the work in progress on Ponte Amerigo Vespucci, passing through Santa Trinita in 1300 and finally Ponte alle Grazie at the time of the first tramway.

IED Firenze — Matteo Dinella e Denny Puppa

Ponte Amerigo Vespucci
Ponte Amerigo Vespucci
Ponte alla Carraia
Ponte alla Carraia
Ponte Vecchio
Ponte Vecchio
Ponte Santa Trinita
Ponte Santa Trinita
Ponte alle Grazie
Ponte alle Grazie

Botticelli's and Agnetti's art, Ferragamo's shoes and Galileo's astrolabes, the multiple faces of Palazzo Strozzi in recent years ... A time lapse that smacks of film reel.

IED Firenze — Pietro Micheloni e Jenny Xia

Museo del Novecento
Museo del Novecento
Museo Ferragamo
Museo Ferragamo
Museo Galileo Galilei
Museo Galileo Galilei
Galleria degli Uffizi
Galleria degli Uffizi
Palazzo Strozzi
Palazzo Strozzi

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