The Improvisational Theater Match is a particular genre of theater
that combines the techniques of improvisation with the rules of an
ice hockey sports match. A referee chooses at random a topic that the participants must act out. The teams are given 20 seconds to prepare and decide how to play the scene. After the scene, the audience votes for the winner by holding up cardboard signs displaying the color of the team they like.

The design composition is chaotic and unpredictable. However, the bordering text is always positioned in the same place and follows a strict grid- similar to the concept of the improvisation match itself (disorder contained by rules). The brightly colored paper is bold and expresses the atmosphere of the event.

The process is easy and cost effective. All that is required is colored paper and a scanner/printer. The basic, primary colors used in the project were selected based on the typical colored paper selection found in stores.
Orange VS Light blue team
Orange VS Light blue team
White VS Green team
White VS Green team
Yellow VS Pink team
Yellow VS Pink team
Red VS Green Team
Red VS Green Team

Foldable regulations printout [front]

Foldable regulations printout [rear]

SACI Florence — Bridget Hannah

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